Transitivity analysis of Noor Jehan's character in the book "I should have honor"


  • Saba Khadam University of Education, Lahore


Systemic Functional Grammar, transitivity analysis, process types, circumstantial elements


This research aims to describe Process Types, Participant Functions, and Circumstantial Elements through Transitivity Analysis of an English textbook which name “I should have honor". The purpose of this study is to characterize the linguistic competence demonstrated in the textbook. This study used descriptive qualitative method that described texts found in the textbook. The data is collected in the form of clauses from English texts and used the quantitative method to show the percentage and frequency of the data in tables and graphs. The instruments utilized in this research are the researcher and the data sheets. This research found the Process types namely Mental, Behavioral, Verbal, material, and Relational processes. And Participant Functions found like Actor, Range, Goal, Recipient, Client, Sayer, Verbiage, Target, Receiver, Sensor, Phenomenon, Behaver, Carrier, and Attribute. The characterized Circumstantial Element are Place-Location, Time-Location, Manner, Accompaniment and Matter based on the analysis.


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How to Cite

Khadim, S. (2024). Transitivity analysis of Noor Jehan’s character in the book "I should have honor". Competitive Social Science Research Journal, 5(1), 83–116. Retrieved from