What do students and teachers think about providing incentives presented by school leadership?


  • Abheer Gull Khan UMT, Lahore


Incentives, school leadership, rewards, performance


The work of a teacher is aristocratic. The daily task of the teacher is improving the quality education and to polish students to be a model student, competent, smart, noble, and active. It’s not easy for teachers to make their students a better version of themselves; it requires a lot of effort and potential. The monthly income of a teacher is not so large that’s why he/she will need additional money to fulfill his/her needs and make his life prosperous. Incentives are the additional money that will be given to the teachers based on their performance as a reward. Not all teachers have the same incentives, everyone gets their reward according to their performance. A managerial system is needed in setting the number of rewards that will be given to the teachers so that the receipt of incentives will be more unbiased by applying this method.


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How to Cite

Khan, A. G. (2024). What do students and teachers think about providing incentives presented by school leadership?. Competitive Social Science Research Journal, 5(1), 66–82. Retrieved from https://cssrjournal.com/index.php/cssrjournal/article/view/458