Exploring Racist Language used by University Students in their Peer Communication


  • Munazza Afzal Khan Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad


Racist language, Derogatory, Offensive, Harassment, Biases and Prejudices


The current research is basically an attempt to investigate the racist language used in communication of university students in University of Okara. Racist Language involves words, phrases, expressions or sense characterized by the racist attitude. This study delves into Conflict theories, which analyze gender inequalities, race, social class, education, ethnicity and look at how these create tensions in society. The present study was based on the conflict theory that explained the conflicts that have arisen due to the inequalities based on gender, social classmates well as ethnicity between the dominant and subordinate class or groups. The objective of the study was to identify the challenging racist words that are used by the students within the University of Okara. To get the objective, the study used qualitative research design. Data was collected through participant observation, where the researcher actively joined that particular group which was studied. The study focused on undergraduate students at the University of Okara. Data was collected randomly from students across various departments at the university of Okara for this research. Findings of the research have indicated that racist words spoken by the students in University of Okara were in different languages like Urdu, Punjabi, Saraiki and English. Some words were offensive and derogatory and In University setting many students have experienced and witnessed (respectively) racist bullying and harassment at the hands of other students. This work will be beneficial for the researchers to identify the challenging racism in educational institutions. Furthermore, this study will be helpful for the Authorities and teachers to take specific and directed actions towards eliminating the racism. The current work also paves the way for the students to free themselves from their biases and prejudices.


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How to Cite

Khan, M. A. (2024). Exploring Racist Language used by University Students in their Peer Communication. Competitive Social Science Research Journal, 5(1), 22–53. Retrieved from https://cssrjournal.com/index.php/cssrjournal/article/view/456