Significance of the Text in Visual Metaphor Advertising
Text, Visual Metaphor, Advertising, MeaningAbstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the application of visual metaphors in advertising, specifically by analyzing the interaction of the text and the image in communicating metaphorical meaning. Relying on existent theories of rhetoric and metaphor, the paper identifies three main categories of ads based on the usage of visual metaphors. Further, by analyzing several cases of sample advertisements, the authors explore the role of visual metaphors in simplifying complicated concepts and increasing audience interest. Additionally, the researcher demonstrated that visual metaphors reinforce the verbal message, provoke the necessary emotions, and enhance the cognitive and emotional aspect of the message. Thus, this study provides an overview of the significant role of visual metaphors in advertising communication. Visual metaphors combined with verbal messages can produce stronger visual impressions to strike out emotionally and establish a deeper connection with the viewer. This paper offers valuable insights into the powerful role that advertisements play nowadays through improvements made possible by images.
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