Integrated Collaborative Learning Approach (ICLA)
Conceptual framework of pedagogical approach for the integration of language skills
Integrated Collaborative Learning Approach (ICLA), Multidisciplinary, Conceptual Framework, Basic Language Skills (LSRW), ESL/EFL PedagogyAbstract
The study is an attempt to introduce contemporary multidisciplinary pedagogical approach in the classrooms of English as a Second Language (ESL), English as a Foreign Language (EFL), and English as a Native Language (ENL) for the integration of basic language skills such as Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing (LSRW) across the globe. English language is a passport to achieve the learning goals in education everywhere in the world irrespective of any culture, religion and ethnic background because it is currently an international and most powerful language in different parts of world along with the national languages of the different regions. Educationists, linguists and policy makers are working on the advent of new approaches which should be deemed fit for the effective and better cumulative achievements in learning. The researchers worked on literature to find out one of the best teaching approaches that can help learners to partake actively and achieve learning goals of language skills according to the needs of current scenario with the help of language abilities and communicative activities under the umbrella of enabling skills through pedagogical and target tasks. In order to get a proficient and productive teaching and learning approach, the researchers linked two contemporary approaches which are followed by many educationists and English teachers everywhere in the world especially known as Collaborative Learning Approach (CLA) and Integrated Teaching Approach (ITA) for the better and effective learning of basic language (LSRW) skills. The researchers merged two approaches and introduced a new approach titled as Integrated Collaborative Learning Approach (ICLA) as a multidisciplinary approach. ICLA is not only designed for the integration of basic language skills (LSRW) but also equally applicable to all disciplines except ESL/EFL classrooms because ITA and CLA are practised widely in all disciplines in the various corners of the world.
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